Whale watching with Mom

It was with great gratitude that I welcomed my mother to Vancouver in May, her first trip to the Left Coast in 50 years! Welcoming an out-of-towner is the best opportunity to check off some of the tourist boxes in the place you live, so we headed down to Granville Island, hopped on a cool looking boat, and took to the seas in search of aquatic adventure.

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Snapshots of early spring

This being my first spring here, it is with escalated amazement that I witness the early bloom of many of the perennials which will soon overtake our parks and gardens. I share with you now some sights from recent walks, shot on the Fujifilm X-T5, with both the (incredible) Fujinon 33mm f/1.4 R LM WR, and the (also incredible) Viltrox PRO 75mm f/1.2 XF.

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Winter walks—a series

You probably wouldn’t know it based on my ‘output’, but I have a camera with me pretty much all the time. I’ll briefly join the chorus singing the praises of the Fujifilm X100V—this is absolutely my go anywhere camera. I shoot every day, but since I’ve backed away from social media in the past couple of years, I don’t share as often. This creates a bit of a dilemma, because sharing the work is actually a part of the process which I really enjoy. I’ve been meaning to blog more frequently, but intentions do not equal actions. Anyway, here we are.

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A walk in the woods with a Takumar

Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of spending an afternoon exploring many of the trails which meander through the forest of Pacific Spirit Regional Park in Vancouver. The park occupies over 750 hectares on the west side of the city, and provides ample opportunity to trade the relative bustle for solitude and tranquility. This was my second time visiting the park; after previously having been awed by the filtering of sunlight through the dense trees, I determined to return and capture what I could through the lens.

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Granville Island and a Takumar

I’ve been interested in picking up a manual lens for a while. Mostly for zone focusing and street photography, but also to experience some of the charm and character of vintage equipment. After having picked up (and so far loving) an Asahi Super-Takumar 55mm F/1.8 earlier this week, the itch came again all too soon and I scratched it by grabbing the Super-Multi-Coated TAKUMAR 28mm F/3.5 today. These are all from the 28mm, adapted to my Canon EOS R.

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Moving to BC: On a Mission

After traveling to Vancouver in 2017, 2018, and 2019, the idea had always been in my head that maybe, just maybe, I would like to live there some day. Having missed out on visiting during the pandemic, and with all the new found flexibility afforded by my employer embracing fully remote work, I decided to jump on the opportunity and head west once again—this time, longer term.

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A walk and a ramble

In the before times, I would make the short commute downtown most days, working at my office in the Beltline. As someone who enjoys practicing street photography, this was quite opportune. Before work, lunch breaks, or evenings, it was always very convenient to strap on some glass and go for a wander. However, in these changed times of remote work, physical distancing, and face coverings, I find I am less frequently motivated to get out.

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Matt Karlowskycalgary, street, b&w